Case Study | E-commerce


Webshop Smoke Test

Boretti has been around for over 25 years. All these years Boretti brings the Italian lifestyle to the Netherlands. It is synonymous with high quality products, Italian design and the ‘passione in cucina’, the love of the Italian Culinary Lifestyle.

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What did we do?



A/B Testing

Success is something you create together. And because we are so proud of the success cases that we have realised for and together with our partners, we would like to reveal a few of them. Let’s start with the smoke test case for Boretti.

On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, Boretti launched the “Collezione Maggiore” kitchen line. They came to us with the question: “Is our target group willing to buy these products online? To be able to formulate a clear answer to this question, we conducted a smoke test. And that quickly proved to be successful!

First things first, what is a smoke test?

Smoke testing was once created as a software term. It means that you test the first basic functionalities of a website to see if your software is stable and ready to be further developed and tested. In Growth Marketing, smoke testing has found a broader meaning. It basically means that we are going to define an answer to a question in a fast and cost-effective way. In this case: “Is Boretti’s target audience willing to purchase their kitchen items online?”.

What’s in the smoke test

We set 3 main goals for this test:

  1. build a performing fast webshop
  2. generate qualitative traffic to this web shop
  3. generate sales in the web shop environment

In less than two weeks, a (cost) efficient and fully operational web shop was set up to measure purchase intention and to keep the ROI optimal.

To drive traffic to this webshop, smart Google and Facebook campaigns were set up. And it was thanks to continuous performance tracking and optimizations that performance was always maintained. Finally, additional marketplaces were looked at to guarantee presence in various online outlets.

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